A new qualitative study on participants' experiences of hearing voices network groups was recently published in the journal Psychosis. We excerpt from the study's discussion here: Participants were given the opportunity to highlight aspects of the group structure that they found particularly helpful or unhelpful. In contrast to the traditionally hierarchical nature of professional support, the HVN adopts a philosophy of “expert by experience”. The fact that groups were facilitated by voice-hearers was seen as particularly helpful in encouraging participants to be open about their experiences. Voice-hearer facilitators also gave participants a sense of hope for their own futures as they could see clear “living examples” of what could be achieved whilst still experiencing voices. The full citation for the paper is: Oakland, L., & Berry, K. (2014). “Lifting the veil”: A qualitative analysis of experiences in Hearing Voices Network groups. Psychosis, (ahead-of-print), 1-11.
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September 2024