The family of Irvo Otieno, a mental health patient who died in police custody, gave the gruesome details of what they saw in the moments ahead of his death. Attorney Benjamin Crump the video was an example of the inhumane ways the police treat mentally ill citizens like criminals instead of people in need of help, according to the Richmond Times-Dispatch.
Read full article here. You can read and download the article on the BJGP website: Withdrawing from SSRI Antidepressants: advice for primary care.
This is an important moment as the journal is widely read by GPs, who are the main prescribers of SSRI antidepressants in the UK. Although there was a mention of this topic on the BJGP website last year, which linked to IIPDW’s video, this is the first time this information appears in print in a UK journal aimed at GPs. You can find the full article here. This article is an invitation to open our perceptions to other approaches of supporting people through emotional crisis. Rather than pathologizing behavior we can use curious inquiry to explore the intelligence that is working. “What is this behavior serving or supporting?” or “What is the story that this metaphor is trying to tell?” or even, simply, “What happened?” Thus, with compassion we look for the intelligence that was used by the person in distress in order to survive.
Read the full article here. A Message from ISPS-US:
Thank you everyone for attending our webinar with Dr Joanna Moncrieff! We appreciated all your interaction through questions and chat, which enriched the event. For those of you who were unable to attend live, or who want to watch Dr Moncrieff's presentation again, you may now view the recording here: You may also find her PowerPoint slides here And a copy of the chat is available here |
September 2024