BAHVN Trifold Flyer (Basic information about organization, history, and our online Zoom Meetings)
Voices, Visions & Realities: In Our Own Words (Leaflet of first person accounts)
Voices, Psychosis & Trauma (Information sheet on voices & trauma)
Voices Beyond Schizophrenia (Information sheet on voice hearing across diagnoses and among the general public)
Sex, Sexuality & Psychosis (Information sheet on experiences of sex, gender and sexuality in the context of psychosis)
Age and Psychosis (Information sheet correcting the myth that most 'psychosis' appears before the mid-20s)
The BAHVN is in the process of compiling a list of California (primarily but not exclusively based in the Bay Area) providers with expertise in working with psychosis. We are not endorsing the providers on this list; but instead list all clinicians who volunteer their information. We always suggest that people seeking clinicians meet or discuss the fit between their needs and what a given provider can offer before committing to a course of therapy or other forms of treatment (e.g. acupuncture, alternative medicine). Please click here for the list.
Accepting Voices, Making Sense of Voices, Living With Voices, and Children Hearing Voices.
By Prof. Marius Romme and Dr.Sandra Escher
The Voice Inside
By Paul Baker
The Voice Inside and Can You Hear Me
Coping with Voices and Visions
By Hearing Voices Network
Muses, Madmen, and Prophets
by Daniel Smith
The Natural Medicine Guide to Schizophrennia
by Stephanie Marohn
Anatomy of an Epidemic and Mad in America
by Robert Whitaker
Voices Matter. Open Paradigm Project. A documentary about the global Hearing Voices Movement, filmed at the 2012 World Hearing Voices Congress in Cardiff, Wales.
In the Real. Directed by Conor McCormack. "Filmed over two years in collaboration with the Bristol Hearing Voices Network, a self-help group for people who hear voices, In the Real is a 59min observational documentary film which goes to the heart of the voice-hearing experience. Who, or what, are the voices that only these men can hear? What do they say and what do they mean? And how does hearing voices transform their sense of self and world?"
Compassion for Voices. Cultural Institute, King's College London. "This 5-minute film presents an alternative way of relating to [voices]; this goes against the tide of traditional approaches and culturally engrained attitudes. Essentially, it charts the therapeutic progression of a young man, Stuart, from being tormented by his voices, through establishing safeness, to developing the qualities needed to engage with them through compassionate dialogue. For people with psychosis, this may have therapeutic value as a template or metaphor for their own recovery journey."
Peer Leadership in Early Intervention for Psychosis Services. A webinar sponsored by the National Consumer's Mental Health Self-Help Clearinghouse and featuring BAHVN organizer Nev Jones, Philadelphia-based HVN leader Berta Britz, and Irene Hurford.
Psychosis Summit. We are a group of people who have lived experience with psychosis and their families and friends. After witnessing firsthand the many difficulties associated with psychosis as a result of stigmas, we created an advocacy and support organization called South Bay Project Resource. This online Psychosis Summit is our 2017 initiative aimed towards strategically raising awareness on treatment methodologies, and support approaches, for helping peers dealing with psychosis and their families.
BAHVN Organizer Nev Jones collected stories/narratives regarding experiences of work and school from working adults and students with psychosis. The project was compiled into a searchable (free and publicly available) database, and is available for download here.
Maastricht Interview for Voices Hearers. Detailed semi-structured clinical interview designed to map an individual's experience of hearing voices across multiple dimensions.
Maastricht Interview for Children. Sister tool to the Maastricht Interview designed for use with children.
Working with Voices II: Victim to Victor Workbook. Ron Coleman & Mike Smith.
Beyond Trauma: A Multiple Pathways Approach to Auditory Hallucinations in Clinical and Nonclinical Populations (Open Access). Tanya Marie Luhrmann, Ben Alderson-Day, Vaughan Bell, Josef J Bless, Philip Corlett, Kenneth Hugdahl, Nev Jones, Frank Larøi, Peter Moseley, Ramachandran Padmavati, Emmanuelle Peters, Albert R Powers, Flavie Waters. (2019). Schizophrenia Bulletin, Volume 45, Issue Supplement_1, 1 , Pages S24–S31
The Hearing Voices Movement in the United States: Findings from a national survey of group facilitators. Jones, N., Marino, C., & Hansen, M. (2015). Psychosis.
Emerging Perspectives from the Hearing Voices Movement: Implications for Research and Practice (Open Access). Corstens, D., Longden, E., McCarthy-Jones, S., Waddingham, R., & Thomas, N. (2014). Schizophrenia Bulletin, 40(Suppl 4), S285-S294.
Experiences of Hearing Voices: Analysis of a Novel Phenomenological Survey (Open Access). Woods, A., Jones, N., Alderson-Day, B., Callard, F., & Fernyhough, C. (2015). The Lancet Psychiatry, 2(4), 323-331.
Engaging with voices: Rethinking the clinical treatment of psychosis. Jones, N., & Shattell, M. (2013). Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 34(7), 562-563.
Mad pride: Reflections on sociopolitical identity and mental diversity in the context of culturally competent psychiatric care. Schrader, S., Jones, N., & Shattell, M. (2013). Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 34(1), 62-64.
PTSD symptoms associated with the experiences of psychosis and hospitalisation: A review of the literature. Berry, K., Ford, S., Jellicoe-Jones, L., & Haddock, G. (2013). Clinical Psychology Review, 33(4), 526-538.
The prevalence of voice-hearers in the general population: a literature review. Beavan, V., Read, J., & Cartwright, C. (2011). Journal of Mental Health, 20(3), 281-292.
Hearing Voices Network-USA
InterVoice (International)
International website for the hearing voices movement
For young people and their families
Ideas about recovery
Project researching hearing voices
Support forums and links to peer support groups:
In the UK
In the US
For young people in the UK
International discussion forum
Other useful links:
UK based support group that helps people deal with their voices.
A counselor and facilitator working with people via phone and web video (Zoom).
BAHVN Trifold Flyer (Basic information about organization, history, and our online Zoom Meetings)
Voices, Visions & Realities: In Our Own Words (Leaflet of first person accounts)
Voices, Psychosis & Trauma (Information sheet on voices & trauma)
Voices Beyond Schizophrenia (Information sheet on voice hearing across diagnoses and among the general public)
Sex, Sexuality & Psychosis (Information sheet on experiences of sex, gender and sexuality in the context of psychosis)
Age and Psychosis (Information sheet correcting the myth that most 'psychosis' appears before the mid-20s)
The BAHVN is in the process of compiling a list of California (primarily but not exclusively based in the Bay Area) providers with expertise in working with psychosis. We are not endorsing the providers on this list; but instead list all clinicians who volunteer their information. We always suggest that people seeking clinicians meet or discuss the fit between their needs and what a given provider can offer before committing to a course of therapy or other forms of treatment (e.g. acupuncture, alternative medicine). Please click here for the list.
Accepting Voices, Making Sense of Voices, Living With Voices, and Children Hearing Voices.
By Prof. Marius Romme and Dr.Sandra Escher
The Voice Inside
By Paul Baker
The Voice Inside and Can You Hear Me
Coping with Voices and Visions
By Hearing Voices Network
Muses, Madmen, and Prophets
by Daniel Smith
The Natural Medicine Guide to Schizophrennia
by Stephanie Marohn
Anatomy of an Epidemic and Mad in America
by Robert Whitaker
Voices Matter. Open Paradigm Project. A documentary about the global Hearing Voices Movement, filmed at the 2012 World Hearing Voices Congress in Cardiff, Wales.
In the Real. Directed by Conor McCormack. "Filmed over two years in collaboration with the Bristol Hearing Voices Network, a self-help group for people who hear voices, In the Real is a 59min observational documentary film which goes to the heart of the voice-hearing experience. Who, or what, are the voices that only these men can hear? What do they say and what do they mean? And how does hearing voices transform their sense of self and world?"
Compassion for Voices. Cultural Institute, King's College London. "This 5-minute film presents an alternative way of relating to [voices]; this goes against the tide of traditional approaches and culturally engrained attitudes. Essentially, it charts the therapeutic progression of a young man, Stuart, from being tormented by his voices, through establishing safeness, to developing the qualities needed to engage with them through compassionate dialogue. For people with psychosis, this may have therapeutic value as a template or metaphor for their own recovery journey."
Peer Leadership in Early Intervention for Psychosis Services. A webinar sponsored by the National Consumer's Mental Health Self-Help Clearinghouse and featuring BAHVN organizer Nev Jones, Philadelphia-based HVN leader Berta Britz, and Irene Hurford.
Psychosis Summit. We are a group of people who have lived experience with psychosis and their families and friends. After witnessing firsthand the many difficulties associated with psychosis as a result of stigmas, we created an advocacy and support organization called South Bay Project Resource. This online Psychosis Summit is our 2017 initiative aimed towards strategically raising awareness on treatment methodologies, and support approaches, for helping peers dealing with psychosis and their families.
BAHVN Organizer Nev Jones collected stories/narratives regarding experiences of work and school from working adults and students with psychosis. The project was compiled into a searchable (free and publicly available) database, and is available for download here.
Maastricht Interview for Voices Hearers. Detailed semi-structured clinical interview designed to map an individual's experience of hearing voices across multiple dimensions.
Maastricht Interview for Children. Sister tool to the Maastricht Interview designed for use with children.
Working with Voices II: Victim to Victor Workbook. Ron Coleman & Mike Smith.
Beyond Trauma: A Multiple Pathways Approach to Auditory Hallucinations in Clinical and Nonclinical Populations (Open Access). Tanya Marie Luhrmann, Ben Alderson-Day, Vaughan Bell, Josef J Bless, Philip Corlett, Kenneth Hugdahl, Nev Jones, Frank Larøi, Peter Moseley, Ramachandran Padmavati, Emmanuelle Peters, Albert R Powers, Flavie Waters. (2019). Schizophrenia Bulletin, Volume 45, Issue Supplement_1, 1 , Pages S24–S31
The Hearing Voices Movement in the United States: Findings from a national survey of group facilitators. Jones, N., Marino, C., & Hansen, M. (2015). Psychosis.
Emerging Perspectives from the Hearing Voices Movement: Implications for Research and Practice (Open Access). Corstens, D., Longden, E., McCarthy-Jones, S., Waddingham, R., & Thomas, N. (2014). Schizophrenia Bulletin, 40(Suppl 4), S285-S294.
Experiences of Hearing Voices: Analysis of a Novel Phenomenological Survey (Open Access). Woods, A., Jones, N., Alderson-Day, B., Callard, F., & Fernyhough, C. (2015). The Lancet Psychiatry, 2(4), 323-331.
Engaging with voices: Rethinking the clinical treatment of psychosis. Jones, N., & Shattell, M. (2013). Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 34(7), 562-563.
Mad pride: Reflections on sociopolitical identity and mental diversity in the context of culturally competent psychiatric care. Schrader, S., Jones, N., & Shattell, M. (2013). Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 34(1), 62-64.
PTSD symptoms associated with the experiences of psychosis and hospitalisation: A review of the literature. Berry, K., Ford, S., Jellicoe-Jones, L., & Haddock, G. (2013). Clinical Psychology Review, 33(4), 526-538.
The prevalence of voice-hearers in the general population: a literature review. Beavan, V., Read, J., & Cartwright, C. (2011). Journal of Mental Health, 20(3), 281-292.
Hearing Voices Network-USA
InterVoice (International)
International website for the hearing voices movement
For young people and their families
Ideas about recovery
Project researching hearing voices
Support forums and links to peer support groups:
In the UK
In the US
For young people in the UK
International discussion forum
Other useful links:
UK based support group that helps people deal with their voices.
A counselor and facilitator working with people via phone and web video (Zoom).